Arnesby Parish Council

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Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council
held at 7:30pm on Tuesday, 24th August 2004
at the Conference Centre, Arnesby
(1) Present - Messrs. Stuart Hurst; David Johnson, Robert Jones(Chairman).Mrs Jenny Lees & M. N. Bown (Clerk)
3 parishioners were present.

(2) Apologies
Apologies received from District Councillor Graham Hart.

(3) Minutes of Meeting Held on 3rd August 2004
These had been circulated and were read and signed by the Chairman.

(4) Matters Arising:
(a)Repairs to Bus Shelter:- It was agreed to proceed with the repair. David Johnson was to discuss the project with the builder and to give the ‘Go ahead’ at the best possible price.

(b) Dog Fouling :- The ‘circular’ presented by the Clerk was accepted.

(c) Parking on Grass Verges:- The Chairman had not received a reply to his letter.

(5) Planning Applications:-
(a) No 04/O1213/FUL Submitted by:- Mr & Mrs Freeman, The Walnuts, St Peter's Road; Arnesby “Erection of proposed stables arid double garage “, land at The Walnuts. Objections on environmental grounds, all surrounding houses have short restricted back gardens and were within a stone's throw of the proposed stables, referred to HDC. to S.P. Guidance Note 6 Para 3: 2 which states "Locations close to residential properties will not be permitted where they are likely to be the source of disturbance to neighbours in terms of noise, smell or loss of privacy".
Planners were asked for a copy of report of ’Environmental Officer'.

(b)No. 04/0I22S/TCA, Submitted by Marshall Thompson and Co. “work to Trees at Woodside Cottage, Mill Hill Road, Arnesby. No Objections.

(c) No. 04/01230}/FUL , Submitted by J Buckby, “Erection of a Wall and a Fence”, at Manor Farm, Welford Road, Arnesby. No Objections.

(6) Footpath Sign on green ,St Peter's Road:- It was agreed LCC should be asked to move it. Clerk to write to Piers Lindley 'Rights of Way Officer'.

(7) Mr David Jennings reported that the disputed track,shown on our map as footpath Y12, across ‘Shipman’s’ fields South of the village is to be removed from all maps.

(8) In answer to questions
a) The Clerk reported that; 'Plastic' window frames could be fitted to any building in a Conservation area as long as it is not listed.

b) David Johnson reported that E. A. Lane Ltd. were discussing the Council’s letter re­The Paddock with the owner.

c) Mr Jennings said that preservation of trees in a Conservation area was a Planning Dept. matter.

d) It was agreed that, whatever tree was planted on the green in St Peter’s Road; it would have to be agreed by the Tree Warden’ (Graham Mawby)

Meeting Closed at 8:40 pm.