Arnesby Parish Council

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Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council
held at 7:30pm on Tuesday, 25th May 2004
at the Conference Centre, Arnesby
(1) Present- Messrs. Stuart Hurst, David Johnson, Robert Jones(Chairman) and Mrs Jenny Lees (vice Chairman). & M. N. Bown (Clerk). Four parishioners were present. David Jennings (County Councillor) and Mr Hart (District Councillor).

(2) Apologies:- no apologies

(3) Appointment of Chairman:- There being no other nomination Robert Jones was elected.

(4) Appointment of Vice Chairman:- There being no other nomination Mrs Jenny Lees was elected.

(5) Minutes of Meeting Held on 17th May 2004 :- These had been circulated and were read and signed by the Chairman.

Minutes of Meeting Held 17th February 2004:- These had been circulated and were read and signed by the Chairman.

(6) Matters Arising:- (a) The Paddock, councillor David Johnson said that the offer made by E A Lane and Sons Ltd,, was not acceptable and he had written in reply to this effect and was waiting for their reply. David Jennings said he would ask if there was any land available in the area owned by County Council which could be made available to the village.

(7) Appointment of Loseby Charity Trustees;- Mrs J Lees and Mr Stuart Hurst were appointed again.

(8) Audit 2003/4:- The Clerk reported that the papers had been received for audit and the accounts had been sent to Terry Emmony for internal audit. The accounts show a surplus of approx £165.

(9) Proposed appointment of Archaeological Warden:- There being no other nomination Mr John Dowson was appointed.

(10) Request to plant a tree on the green in St. Peter's Road:- Mrs R Platts would like to plant a tree in front of their house (Homestead Farmhouse), The Clerk reported that he is waiting for information from H.D.C.

(1I) Proposed increase in 'Night Flights' to and from East Midlands Airport:- Mr Hart reported that many night flights were passing over his village of Willoughby Waterleys and they caused negligible disturbance. However HDC had employed experts to investigate the problem and were waiting their report and they were co-operating with villages under the flightpath.. He said that planning conditions on the airport were more relaxed than other larger airports.
Mr Jennings said that County Hall were considering the proposals.

(12) Planning Applications:- (a) No 04/00461A/FUL submitted by:- Mr and Mrs S Dunn, Mill Hill House, Mill Hill Road, Arnesby "Amended plans for two storey side and single storey rear extension". No Objections.

(13) Any Other Business:-
(a) Suggested that Graham Mawby should be asked to be village Tree Warden.
(b) Parishioner reported that roof on Bus Shelter needed attention,
(c) Complaint about noise of Church clock,
(d) request for seat at bottom end of village.
(d) Complaint received re overgrowth on footpath Lutt. Road and Robt. Hall Road. Clerk reported that it is to be cut that week.
(e) Mr Jennings reported that the proposed upgrade to Bridleway of Footpath Y5 will be considered at
C C Meeting 10th June open to the public, note to be placed on notice board.

Meeting Ended 8:30pm.