Arnesby Parish Council

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Minutes of The Annual Parish Meeting
held at The Village Hall
on Wednesday 31st. March 2004 at 8pm
Present :- 4 Councillors and 5 Parishioners

Apologies:- No apologies.

The Chair was taken by Mr Bob Jones, Chairman of the Parish Council.

(1) Minutes of Meeting held on 11th March 2003 :- These were read by the Chairman. Mr C N Wallace proposed that they be accepted and seconded by Mr A Lees. Passed and signed by the Chairman.

(2) Matters Arising :-
(a) The Chairman reported that a lifter pick had been carried out on Lutterworth Road by Councillor Mrs J Lees and family and Brian and Sue Spriggs.
(b) The Clerk reported that HDC had cut the foliage on path between Lutterworth road and Robert Hall Road and would consider paving it, if road shavings become available.
(c) The Clerk reported that the main road had been re- surfaced, in part, between Arnesby and Foston Turn. Public thought accidents were still happening
(d) The Chairman reported that we had considered, but rejected, the provision of Dog Litter Bins. But he suggested that we consider HDC suggestion of ‘Dog free zones”. Clerk to write to HDC.

(3) Community Charge :- The Parish Clerk reported that the council precept for 2004/5 had been set at £2650 an increase of £500 on the previous year. This is to cover part of the expected expenditure in considering the Paddock as a ‘Play Area”

(4) Loseby Charity:- An interim account for year 2003/4 was presented. by Mrs J Lees which showed an estimated loss of £164. No report was given but a final payment of £875 had been made ( Leics CC Shire Grant of £637.50 received).

(5) Any Other Business :-
(a) The Council at their next meeting are to consider the appointment of an Heritage Warden, Mrs J Lees asked that John Dowson should be considered.
(b) Mr A Lees announced that Peatling Magna exchange is to “Broadband” (this includes Arnesby) on 11th August 2004.

Meeting closed at 8.27 pm.

Before the above meeting we were addressed by Mr Dick Van Aken of ”The Harborough Community Learning Network” His main object is to provide Computer and Internet facilities to the majority of residents in the Harborough District. To this end they are prepared to provide a computer ‘free of charge’ for the use of anybody in Arnesby provided a suitable place can be found to install it, so that parishioners or groups can use it at pre-arranged times. They would expect a report of use and progress. Mr Buckby was to talk to The Baptist Church Coffee Morning to see if facilities could be provided there.
He also talked of making Video films on any subject suggested by parishioners e.g. May Fayre, which would be free of charge but they hope that somebody in the village would be interested in joining one of their classes to learn the technique of Camera, Editing, Production etc.

If anyone is interested please contact :-Dick Van Aken Tel No. 01858 435151 or 435160.