Arnesby Parish Council

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    Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held at The Conference Centre on Tuesday 8th November 2005 at 7.30 pm
(1) Present:- Messrs. Robert Jones (Chairman). David Johnson, Mrs Jenny Lees & M N. Bown (Clerk)
9 parishioners were present.

(2) Apologies:- No apologies.

(3) Minutes of Meeting Held on 27th September 2005:-
These had been circulated and were read and signed by the Chairman.

(4) Matters Arising:-
a) Lamp standard south of Church. Quotation received varied from £115 " to secure the column in its present site" to £1,100 "to move it 7metres to a less vulnerable position." It was decided that parishioners living in the vicinity should be asked about final position. ABB Ltd favoured a position next to the Church wall. The clerk was to write to Mr Borrell of The Paddock, who had agreed to pay for the resiting and ask for his confirmation.

(5) Parish Precept 2006/7:-
It was agreed to set this at £2,650 as in 2005/6.

(6) Proposed sale of paddock in St. Peter's Road, Arnesby :-
Informal offers had been invited for the above. Because it is the only piece of land in the village which is ever likely to be available to be used as a 'play area' or Village amenity area', without future restrictions or uncertainties, itself being designated as permanent open space, the Council suggested that an offer should be made. The fact that it is an 'informal offer' means that initially they are not committing the village to any expense.
It was agreed to proceed and if successful, a public meeting would be called to agree furthering the application and to discuss how to finance the project. Because confidentiality is required a meeting in camera was called to follow the Council meeting, to decide on the price to be offered.

(7) Planning Applications:-
(a) No 05/01489/FUL. Submitted by:- Mr and Mrs K Kaylor, Rose Cottage, South Close, Arnesby. " Erection of conservatory to the front." No Objections provided 'off street' parking for 2 vehicles is provided as regulations.

Meeting Closed at 8.07. pm.

NB These minutes can be found on