Arnesby Parish Council

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    Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held at The Village Hall, Arnesby on Wednesday 15th March 2006 at 7.30 pm
(1) Present:- Messrs. Robert Jones (Chairman). Stuart Hurst, David Johnson, Mrs Jenny Lees & M. N. Bown (Clerk) 2 parishioners were present.

(2) Apologies:- No apologies.

(3) Minutes of Meeting Held on 15th March 2006:- These had been circulated and were read and signed by the Chairman.

(4) Matters Arising:- No matters arising.

(5) Parish Council Insurance :- The Council considered comparative figures ref to a new collective scheme being run by Lincolnshire Community Council for the benefit of small Councils and decided to stay with the same insurer, using figures from a revaluation of the Council's property, even though the premium is still higher than the new scheme. The reason being, the new scheme cannot provide legal cover because of the complexity of many individual Councils.

(6) The Old Gravel Pit :- The Chairman had visited the site with John Beeson a previous tenant, he had also obtained a ruling on the laws governing the use of Bridleways. They are for the benefit of:- Horses and riders, pedestrians and cyclists, therefore there are restrictions of access to the site. Mr D Johnson was asked to find out the cost of registering the Gravel Pit in the name of the Council. The matter was to be viewed again in December.

(7) Planning Applications:-
(a) Nos 06/00400/FUL :- Submitted by:- Mr and Mrs S Mason, Brookside Farm, Lutterworth road, Arnesby. 'Erection of Detached Garage and Office'. No Objections provided the Planners, Highways and other relevant bodies consider it viable.

(8) Signing Cheques:- No 382 ABB ltd. Light Maintenance £50.58.

(9) To reply to and Consider questions from parishioners for future replies. :-
(a) Mr Barnacle, Farmer from Shearsby sent his apologies for the Hard-core laid on a section of one of his footpaths, he was directed to do this for access of wheelchairs although wheelchairs would not be able to reach the path,
(b) The clerk was asked to write to Councillor Graham Hart for information re providing 'Off Street' parking on Village greens,
(c) John Dowson has resigned as the Village Archaeological Warden, Mrs Jenny Lees has agreed to take his place. Clerk to write to authorities and Mr Dowson.
(d) The clerk was asked to write to the Enforcement Officer re. Two projects in the Village,
(e) The Village Post Office had asked the Council to support their fight to stop the closeure of.' The Post Office Account', this had been installed in recent times, on the insistance of the Government who were now asking for it to be closed. This will reduce turnover and would weaken the Post Office. The Clerk is to write to Andrew Robathom MP. Parishioners are asked to sign a petition.

Meeting Closed at 8.30. pm.

NB These minutes can be found on