Arnesby Parish Council

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Local Government Act 1972

The Annual Parish Council Meeting
held in the Village Hall on 3rd April 2008 at 7:30

Minutes of the Meeting

    Present:- 4 Councillors and 18 Parishioners and MNBown (Parish Clerk).

    Apologies:- Apologies from Councillor David Johnson

    The Chair was taken by Mr Robert Jones Chairman of the Parish Council.

    1. Minutes of Meeting held on 28th March 2007:- These were read by the Clerk.
    Mr Stuart Hurst proposed that they be accepted and seconded by Mrs Jenny Lees
    Passed and signed by the Chairman.

    2. Matters Arising:-
    (a) Robert Jones said we should install a commercially produced noticeboard asap clerk to get prices and report to next Council meeting.

    3. Community Charge:- The Parish Clerk reported that the council precept for
    2008/9 had been set at £2650 as in the previous year.

    4. Loseby Charity:- An interim account for year 2007/8 was presented by Mrs
    Jenny Lees (a council representative on the Charity). She said that the trees planted
    on the site last year were doing well and further developments were planned, but no
    money was available for distribution to people in need.

    5. Street Lighting:- After lengthy discussion it was decided not to proceed with alterations to the lights i.e. not to change to 'Part night' lighting. Parishioners were worried that crime and vandalism might increase. Also it is early days; Highways had not yet had their experiment with 'Part night' lighting and it appeared that County police had not yet considered their views on the idea.

    5. Any Other Business:
    (a) It was suggested to consider a 'Wind Turbine' to provide power to the village,
    (b) The Council were asked to investigate other firms to maintain the Street Lights, clerk to progress,
    (c) The Council were asked to find out if any help was available to replace the Post Office,
    (d) The Council were asked to provide a Litter bin at the Bus Shelter,
    (e) The Council were asked to replace the damaged seat on Lutterworth Road.

    Meeting closed at 8.15 pm.

    NB This agenda can be found on the village web site. (