Arnesby Parish Council

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Local Government Act 1972
Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Meeting
held at The Conference Centrel, Arnesby
on Thursday 2nd December 2010 at 7:30pm
  1. Present:-
    Messrs. Graham Middleton(Chairman), David Johnson, Stuart Hurst, Mrs Jenny Lees (Vice chairman).& M. N. Bown (Clerk)
    Two parishioners were present and Ben Miah, manager of Little India.
  2. Apologies: No apologies.
  3. Minutes of Meeting Held on 18th August 2010 :- These had been circulated and were passed and signed by the Chairman.
  4. Matters Arising.-
    (a) The clerk reported that the replacement lamp outside the village hall should be fitted that day also that no reply had been received re:- taking over street lighting by 'Highways',
    (b) No decision had been made re. 'Request for 'cycle Track between village and gated road'.
    (c) No applications made for Council vacancy.
  5. Precept for 2011/12;- Despite the possibility of having to pay £700 + election expenses in 2011, it was decided to keep the Precept at £3000.
  6. Audit 2009/10:- It was reported that the audit had been finalised and that the clerk had been asked for clarification.
  7. Flooding in St. Peter's Road:- The Clerk reported that a date 15th December had been fixed for repairs to the pipes.
  8. Core Spatial Strategy for H.D.C.:- The proposed change in Planning, from Government driven as under Labour to Local authority driven under the new Coalition Government, had been challenged legally and would not be finalised until earliest November 2011. Meanwhile a mixture of both prevails.
  9. Bank Mandate :- It was agreed that former councillor Robert Jones should be removed from list of Signatories and replaced by Graham Middleton Council Chairman.
  10. Green Wedges :- It was decided that the problem of 'Green Wedges' did not affect Arnesby because the map showed that they were concentrated around Urban areas.
  11. Proposed Relinquishment of Highway's (Common) land to Little India
    restaurant: After discussion it was decided that, because this would create a 'precedent' and affect other areas in the village, the Council should get the views of parishioners. Therefore a notice was placed on the noticeboards asking parishioners to convey their opinions to Councillors.
  12. Planning Applications:-
    (a) Submitted by :- Mr Stuart Hurst, The Croft', Oak Lane, Arnesby
    'Work to Trees',
    (b) No 10/01433/TCA. Submitted by:- Mr Marc Geary, White Gables, Mill Hill
    Road, Arnesby. 'Work to trees',
    (c) 10/01435/TCA. Submitted by:- Miss Julie Higgs, 3, Lutterworth Road, Arnesby. 'Work to Trees',
    (d) No 10/01550/TCA. Submitted by :- Marshall Thompson Group, for 'Crimond', St. Peter's Road, Arnesby. 'Felling of Eucalyptus tree'
    (e) No 10/01572/HED Submitted by:- J.F. and S.L. Briggs, Manor Farm, Lutterworth Road, Arnesby. 'Removal of Hedgerows',
    (f) No 10/01573/TCA. Submitted by:- Mr David Keys, 15, The Bank, Arnesby. 'Work to Trees'.
    No Objections to any.
  13. Signing Cheques:-
    No 476 ESPO. Grit Bins £324.£0.
    No 477 Terry Emmony 'Audit' £10.00.
    No 478 Clement Keys 'Audit' £58.75.
    No 479 E.ON Lighting Maintenance £64.46.
    No 480 A.W Peabody and Son 'Kiosk' £465.30.
  14. To receive Questions from the floor for future reply :-
    (a) Mrs Spriggs asked if the Council had any power to force parishioners to 'Recycle' the answer was No! but we could put a notice in the N/boards.
    (b) Mrs Lees reported that the tree in front of Long Acre had 'Fungus' and would be checked again in the Spring.

    (Meeting Closed 9.05pm.)
  15. N.B. These minutes will be published on Village-Web.Co.UK.