Arnesby Parish Council

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Local Government Act 1972
A Meeting of the Parish Meeting has been arranged at
THE CONFERENCE CENTRE, St Peter's Road, Arnesby
on Tuesday 6th April 2010, to follow The Annual Parish Meeting

The meeting will be open to the public unless the Council otherwise direct.

    1. Present.

    2. Apologies.

    3. Minutes of meeting held 19th January 2010.

    4. Matters Arising:-
    (a) Accidents on Main Road.

    5. Planning Applications:-
    (a) No. 10/00089/FUL Submitted by :- Ms H Worsley, 'Stepping Stones', Mill Hill Road, Arnesby. 'Erection of two storey rear extension'.
    (b) No. 10/00214/LBC. Submitted by:- Mr John Winterton, The Cottage, St Peter's Road, Arnesby. 'Replacement of old thatch roof with new thatch on west elevation (front) of property'
    (c) Nos 10/00312/FUL and 10/00327/LBC. Submitted by:- Mr Richard Robinson, Glebe Cottage, St. Peter's Road, Arnesby. 'Demolition of existing brick garage, timber shed and single storey rear extension, alterations to internal layout, existing roof height and thatching of roof, erection of a two storey rear extensions and detached garage'.

    6. School Traffic Plan.

    7. Grit Bins.

    8. Neighbourhood Watch.

    9. Suggestion of scheme for information to be circulated all round the village by Internet.

    10. Accidents on 'Main Road'.

    11. Repairs to Church clock.

    12. Annual donation to Village Hall.

    13. Signing Cheques:-
    465 Clerk's remuneration £360.96.
    466 E-ON Ltd. Light Maintenance £64.19.

    14. To consider other points from the Annual Parish Meeting and to receive questions from the floor for future reply.

    Maurice N Bown
    Clerk to the Council. 21st March 2010

    NB This agenda can be found on the village web site. (