Arnesby Parish Council

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Local Government Act 1972
Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Meeting
held at The Conference Centre, Arnesby
on Wednesday 6th April 2011 at 7:30pm
  1. Present: Messrs. Graham Middleton(Chairman), David Johnson, Stuart Hurst, Mrs Jenny Lees (Vice chairman) & M. N. Bown (Clerk)
    7 parishioners were present.
  2. Apologies: No apologies.
  3. Minutes of Meeting Held on 9th March 2011: These had been circulated and were passed and signed by the Chairman.
  4. Matters Arising:
    (a) Letter received from HDC (in reply to ours) to say, 'they hoped to improve their collection of plastic waste but it all relied on costs',
    (b) School Poster Project was proving successful and had been noted by HDC who were supporting it by giving vouchers value £30 and publicising on the 'waste lorry' etc. The Council decided to increase their gift to 2 book vouchers £15 Juniors and £10 Infants (Mrs Lees to purchase)
  5. To Discuss letter re: light attached to Ferndale House. Mill Hill Road. A letter had been received from Mr and Mrs Williams asking the Council to remove the light forwith because of its design and the fact that it shone into their bedrooms. After discussion considering alternatives and costs, it was decided to remove the light at a cost of of £467 total plus VAT and not replace the light at this time.
  6. Council Elections 5th May 2011: Unfortunately two serving Councillors had
    forgotten to return their nomination papers. The Council were informed that a further election will be be necessary later in the year. Ways of avoiding this were to be explored.
  7. Planning Applications:-
    (a) Nos 11/00189/FUL and 11/00190/CON. Submitted by: Mr R. Osborn, Bell Cottage, St. Peter's Road, Arnesby. "Demolition of former skittles alley and erection of a two storey rear extension, including installation of solar(pv) panels'. Noted that height of extension will adversely affect the outlook of neighbours.
  8. Signing Cheques:-
    No 484 E On Lighting Maintenance £65.83.
    No 485 Arnesby Baptist Church. £60.00.(6 meetings 2010/11.)
  9. To receive Questions from the floor for future reply:
    (a) The Chairman reported that a letter had been received from 'Little India' appealing against the Councils refusal to agree to 'Relinquishment of Highways land to them. The Council had replied to this letter stressing its previous decision,
    (b) Mr Lenton asked the Council to write to the School to complain about 'Parking on verges on Lutterworth road' it was also decided to complain about parking around the School in general and the Clerk was asked to write to Highways, asking if the 'Zig Zag' makings could be extended round the corner to Lutterworth Road,
    (c) Mrs Lees presented a letter from Mrs Cane of Arnesby School 'Strategy Group' about their discussions with Landowner Mr Briggs regarding proposed use of the field used for parking on 'May Fayre' day, for the purpose of the School as a sports field and car park. Certain proposals would be acceptable to Mr Briggs in return for permission to allow development on his land. The Council noted the options that were being considered by the School and Mr Briggs.

Meeting Closed 8.27pm.

N.B. These minutes will be published on