Arnesby Parish Council

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Local Government Act 1972
Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Meeting
held at The Conference Centre, Arnesby
on Tuesday 15th February 2011 at 7:30pm
  1. Present:- Messrs. Graham Middleton (Chairman), David Johnson, Stuart Hurst, Mrs Jenny Lees (Vice chairman) & M. N. Bown (Clerk)
    11 parishioners were present, and representative of Little India.

  2. ApoIogies:- No apologies.

  3. Minutes of Meeting Held on 2nd December 2010 :- These had been circulated and were passed and signed by the Chairman.

  4. Matters Arising:-
    (a) The request for a 'cycle track to Peatling road had been refused due to cost.

  5. Street Lighting :- Highways were unable to take over the village lighting
    because it did not conform to regulations for 'Street Lighting'. Therefore it was
    decided to proceed on our own to implement 'Part night' lighting by taking up
    Highway's offer of installing the necessary switches at a cost of £20 per lamp for 15 lamps using an interest free loan over 3 years. Also convert as many lights as possible to more efficient 57watt when finances allows. The Clerk was asked to find out if, the fact that our lighting did not conform, would affect legality of our 30mph status for insurance etc.

  6. Flooding in St. Peter's Road;- The Clerk reported that repairs had been
    completed and the test would at the next downpour of rain.

  7. Council Elections 5th May 2011:- The Clerk reported that they would be
    combined with 'District Council' elections. Existing Councillors will be supplied with nomination forms and potential will have to apply to HDC or through the Council Clerk.

  8. Proposed Relinquishment of Highway's (Common) land to Little India
    restaurant:- A notice had been placed in the Council notice board and of the replies received the majority agreed with the Council's views, the main comments citing 'Precedence' with regard to other areas of'common land' in the village.

  9. Planning Applications:-
    (a) No 10/0162/FUL. Submitted by :- Mr R. Smart, 22 Lutterworth Road, Arnesby. 'Erection of front extension to garage and conversion of garage to habitable accommodation.' No Objections.

  10. Signing Cheques:-
    No 481 E-On Lighting Maintenance £64-46.
    No 482 E-On New Lamp fitted. £464-13.

  11. Date for Annual Parish Meeting:- Fixed for 9th March 2011.

  12. To receive Questions from the floor for future reply :-
    (a) Rachel Sawyer asked if the Council could write to HDC to help with her complaints re neighbours development, the Council said they could do no more than they had done,
    (b) It was asked about speed and parking near the school the Clerk was asked to enquire about 20mph limit,
    (c) A complaint was made re 'Post-box' which overflows at weekends
    and letters could be stolen, clerk to check.
    (d) 30mph sign has been hit by lorry, clerk to report,
    (e) Mrs Cane Chairman of School Governors reported that a new "Head
    Teacher' would be starting after Easter. She also asked for the Council to be
    represented on a committee being formed to plan the future of the school in all
    (Meeting Closed 8.52pm.)

  13. N.B. These minutes will be published on Village-Web.Co.UK.