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Arnesby May Fayre 28 May 2007

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It had to happen one year! After many years of at least reasonable weather the 2007 Fayre was beset by rain, winds and low temperatures. aa
Not just the day itself, but most of the previous 'setting up' day and the following 'clearing up' day was also affected. Our ability to go ahead at all was in doubt during Sunday 27th - the field that we use as the car park was getting wetter by the hour. Fortunately, the owner realised the difficulties and disappointment that would follow a cancellation and allowed us to use his field and the Fayre went ahead.

aaAttendances were predictably well down on previous years - only 255 cars used the car park compared with almost 1,200 last year. Many outside stallholders didn't arrive and some events were cancelled - it was too wet for the Shetland ponies and for the bouncy castles. The Wigston Band had to give their concerts in St Peter's Church for only the second time. Our Craft Village became a Craft Avenue on the Firs Drive! Another casualty, in the circumstances, was our ice cream stall and Len and Valerie had a deserved year off!

aa Having said all that, almost everybody, visitors and villagers alike, enjoyed the Fayre as much as always! Many of our stalls still made reasonable profits, in spite of the fewer numbers of people. The ever popular Plants, Cakes, Home Produce and Good as New all made profits only a few percentage points down from last year. Financially, we not only covered our costs but somehow made a aauseful £1,400 profit!

Many events went ahead in spite of the conditions: the children of Arnesby school bravely did their Maypole dancing, the 5 mile cross country run (started by Leicester Tigers star Lewis Moody) was enjoyed by the runners and the Bakanalia Morris Group performed gamely around the village. Music was once again provided by the Arcturus string quartet in St Peter's church and by the Lizzards on board the lorry on the Top Green. A fascinating display of elderly tractors and a steam engine was put on by Keith Kirby in the Baptist Church field.

aa The evening Helpers Supper was also a big success. We were unable to use the lorry stage outside the village hall as usual and the musical entertainment was inside the hall. Local talent Oliver Kennett, Holly Geary and Steph Walkinshaw were very well received along with the percussion group NFQ. The evening ended with dancing to a rousing performance by Brian Randall and his band.aa

May Fayre Photos»
Cross Country Race: Results» | Race Photos»

The organising committee would like to thank all the people who showed a real Dunkirk spirit in the face of the wind and rain to enable to day to go ahead.
(In particular, the squad who braved the conditions at Bruntingthorpe aerodrome to dig out the road tracking to protect the car park exit from damage and which was a big factor in reassuring Mr Shipman.)

Jacque Shorrocks, Liza Welton, Debbie Dunn and Terry Emmony.

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