arnesby road signarnesby title thatch cottage in Arnesby

Clubs and Activities

Special Events

Directory of Services

Doctors and Care Assistance

Countesthorpe Health Centre:
Central Street, Countesthorpe LE8 5QJ.

Appointments: 0116 277 6361
Enquiries: 0116 277 6336
Prescriptions: 0116 277 9265

Husbands Bosworth Surgery:
Kilworth Road, Husbands Bosworth, Leics.LE17 6JZ

Tel: 01858 880522

Social Services 0116 2229555

Age UK 0116 2992233

Harborough Lifeline 01858 464499

Lifeline Services 0116 2869500

Defibrillator at the Village Hall
Instructions for use are with the defibrillator.

The Village Website for Arnesby, Leicestershire, UK