arnesby road signarnesby title thatch cottage in Arnesby
Police  Emergency (life in danger or a crime is being committed) 999
In a non-emergency - for example, a call not requiring immediate police attendance. This number is for the whole of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland and is staffed 24-hours a day.
To leave a message for your neighbourhood officer, telephone this number then follow the instructions and when prompted, enter the number 9083.
0116 2222222
Non-emergency anti-social behaviour problems such as noisy neighbours, graffiti, rowdy groups and drug-related anti-social behaviour. 101
Police Stations:
Lutterworth (Open Mon-Fri 10am - 2pm)
Market Harborough (Open Mon-Fri 10am - 2pm, 2.45 - 6pm)
Contact the police by post:
Inspector Siobhan Barber, Mkt Harborough Police Station,
Leicester Road, Market Harborough LE16 9QJ
Fire Wigston 0116 2889644
Electricity   East Midlands Electricity 0800 056 80 90
Gas Transco 0800 111 999
Water & sewerage Severn Trent Water 0800 783 4444
The Village Website for Arnesby, Leicestershire, UK