Arnesby Parish Council

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Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council
held at 7:30pm on Monday, 3rd August 2004
at the Conference Centre, Arnesby
(1) Present- Messrs. David Johnson, Robert Jones (Chairman), Mrs Jenny Lees & M. N. Bown (Clerk)
5 parishioners were present.

(2) Apologies-- Apologies received from Stuart Hurst and County Councillor Mr David Jennings.

(3) Minutes of Meeting Held on 20th July 2004 - These had been circulated and were taken as read and signed by the Chairman

(4) Matters Arising--
   (a) Repairs to Bus Shelter:- Following the previous meeting the clerk had telephoned HDC re. grant to repair the above. It is possible to get 50% of cost but this year’s funds have been spent. The builder is to check if roof can be repaired rather than rebuilt The Council will wait for this information before deciding whether to wait for grant or not

(5) Audit for 2003/4 :- The accounts have been approved and certified.

(6) Dog Fouling-- Decided to send circular to every house in village.

(7) Parking on grass verges in the village:- decided to wait for reply from HDC to Chairman’s letter.

(8) Planting Tree on Green in St Peter’s Road- The Council agreed to allow a tree to be planted with proviso. It must be a ‘decorative tree’ and planted by the village Tree Warden at a spot agreed by him and clear of underground services. It must not grow tall enough to be a danger to the road It will be the property of the village and maintained by the Council. Clerk to write to applicant.

(9) Planning Applications:-
   (a) No 04/01095/FIJL, 04/01096/LW. Submitted by :- R G. Jones, The Manor House, Church Lane, Arnesby. "Conversion of outbuilding into dwelling” No Objections. Specified ‘Off Street’ parking should be shown.

  (b) No 04/0111 1/FUL Submitted by Mr H Borrell, “Construction of Pond”, at The Paddocks, St, Peter’s Road, Arnesby.Objections, proposing to create domestic pond on ‘Agricultural land’.

(10) Signing Cheques:- No 351 Hacker Young(Auditors) £78.75.

Meeting Closed at 8.20 pm.