Arnesby Parish Council

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Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council
held at 7:30pm on Tuesday, 9th November 2004
at the Conference Centre, Arnesby
(1) Present- Messrs. David Johnson, Robert Jones (Chairman).Mrs Jenny Lees & M. N. Bown (Clerk).
5 parishioners were present.

(2) Apologies:- Apologies received from Stuart Hurst and C. C. David Jennings.

(3) Minutes of Meeting Held on 24th. August 2004 :- These had been circulated and were read and signed by the Chairman.

(4) Matters Arising:-
  (a) Repairs to Bus Shelter:- David Johnson reported that the builder would repair the shelter as work allowed and the cost would not be more than £500.
  (b) LCC had said that the footpath sign would have to stay where it is.

(5) Precept for year 2005/6 :- ft was decided to ask for £2,650. as in 2004/5 which would include £500 for repairs to Bus Shelter.

(6) Little India:- It had been reported that the management were only serving parishioners as ‘Drinks only’ customers which was embarrassing if they wanted to take friends from out of the village. Clerk to write to ask about their future intentions.

(7) Nottingham East Midlands Airport:- The proposed development was discussed. The flight paths and holding areas are nearer to Arnesby than was expected and although the height above us will be 7- 8000ft. It was decided that noise could be a nuisance and therefore the clerk was asked to find out the ‘expected noise level’. Parishioners would then be asked to attend a Council meeting before 10th January 2005 to discuss this.

(8) Planning Applications:
   (a) No 04/01111A/FUL submitted by Mr H Borrell, The Paddock, St Peter’s Road, Arnesby. “Construction of pond”. No objections with proviso that it is kept as ‘Agricultural’.

  (b) No 04/01457/FUL Submitted by Wheatcroft and Son Ltd., Arnesby. ‘Change of use for Agricultural building on South side of Lutterworth Road, Arnesby' Objections on grounds of in creased traffic and creeping development.

   (c) No 04/01620/FUL Submitted by Mr and Mrs D Tillyard, Reynolds Farm, St Peter’s Road, Ames by. Erection of extension to rear of existing garage for storage of Tractor and mower shed’.
No Objections
with proviso that the use is ‘Agricultural’ no hard standing and no cars.

   (d) 04/01687/FUL Submitted by Mr and Mrs Beardsell, 4 South Close, Arnesby. ‘Erection of two storey front extension and single storey extension to form conservatory’. No Objection provided that the whole of the building is within the village Development area’.

(9) Parishioner asked for the grass to be cut on the footpath between The Cottage’ and ‘Sea VieW near to and around the stile.

(10) Signing cheques:- No 352 ABB Utility Services £46.00.

Meeting Closed at 837 pm.