Chairman: Martin
Present: 22 Residents
Welcome and Apologies
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and received the following apologies : - David Durran, Roger Charles, Barry and Christine Jones, Tammy Mensak, Barry and Lesley Morris, Ann Lamin, Lesley Dale, Sue and Julian Timms.
The Chairman introduced Ian Vears and Angie Dunn of Leicestershire Highways.
Traffic Concerns
Ian Vears and Angie Dunn had been invited to the meeting by Peter Dale to give a presentation regarding traffic concerns in Shearsby. Ian Vears stated that they help to develop schemes within villages to reduce speeding. After the survey Shearsby had been classed as low risk because the average speeds of vehicles which travel through the village were below 30 miles per hour. Ian Vears suggested that use of lower key measures, such as new signs would be the best option. Photographs of various low key signs were shown along with a description of where they could be used to the best advantage. Ian Vears stated that he would arrange for a ‘Village Only’ sign to be attached to the Shearsby ‘flag sign’ at the entrance to the village. Most of the other signs and gates would have to be paid for by the Parish and Richard Kew asked for a quotation to be provided so that this matter could be discussed and agreed at a future meeting.
Neighbourhood Watch
Peter Dale announced that Shearsby had won an award for the Best Neighbourhood Watch scheme in South Leicestershire. The prize money of £150 would be held in the Parish accounts and used for the scheme in Shearsby. The first expenditure of around £11 is to provide for 2 new Neighbourhood Watch signs for the Village.
Adoption of Minutes
The Chairman stated that the minutes had been displayed on the notice board and asked if there were any discrepancies, Clive Garner proposed that that they should be agreed and Keith Beeson seconded this proposal.
Ongoing Matters from the Minutes
Planning Matters
New applications:
Decisions Received:
Reports and Information
Grass Cutting - Bob Spree gave a report that he and Barry Morris had looked into our grass cutting arrangements as a new contract was due and costs to the Parish were due to increase. The cutting of the grass on the Village Green is the responsibility of the Parish as it is owned by them, but they discovered that the grass verge and bank cutting should be funded by the Harborough District Council. As the HDC had never allowed for this in our precept in the past, Barry Morris visited HDC to negotiate this matter and gained agreement for them to provide 30 cuts of the green and cutting of the grass on the banks and verges for the next two years free of charge
Flood Warden - David Bramwell has agreed to take on this role.
Electoral Register Canvasser - |A volunteer is required for this role which has to be completed in October please contact the Chairman if you are able like to help.
Bob Lamin has prepared the accounts and they will be the sole item at the Annual General Meeting which will be held at the Chandlers Arms on 6th May at 7.30pm where permission to approve the annual return will take place ready for audit.
Village Hall
Martin Littlejones reported that the Village Hall had now been redecorated and the curtains had been removed for cleaning. The Village Hall AGM is to be held on the 30th April. Anyone wishing to help as a new committee member would be welcome to join on that evening.
Community Association
Richard Kew reported that their next event is Live on the Green on 8th August 2009. The AGM is to be held in conjunction with the Village Hall AGM on 30th April. The Community Association will be providing a glass of wine and all villagers are encouraged to attend.
Church Notices
Nora Burton reported on behalf of David Durran that a Promises Auction is to be held on June 13th. Easter Sunday Service is at 9.30am all welcome.
Future Meetings
AGM 6th May Chandlers Arms at 7.30pm
8th July and 14th October 2009
There was no other business.