Arnesby Parish Council

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    Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting
held at The Village hall on Tuesday 22nd March 2005 at 7.30 pm

Present:- 4 Councillors, 9 Parishioners and District Councillor Graham Hart.

Apologies:- Received from C. C. David Jennings.

The Chair was taken by Mr Robert Jones Chairman of the Parish Council.

{1) Minutes of Meeting held on 31st March 2004 These were read by the Clerk. Mrs Jenny Lees proposed that they be accepted and seconded by Mr Tony Lees. Passed and signed by the Chairman.

(2) Matters Arising :-
(a) Mrs Lees pointed out that Mr and Mrs Brian Spriggs had helped with the "Litter Pick"

(3) Community Charge :- The Parish Clerk reported that the council precept for 2005/6 had been set at £2,650 as in the previous year. £500 of which would be used for repairs to the roof of Bus Shelter.

(4) Loseby Charity:- An interim account for year 2004/5 was presented; Mrs J. Lees reported that there is no tenant for the arable land therefore will be a loss this year and rents would have to be increased. However the Community is thriving and doing well No money was available for distribution.

(5) Dog Fouling (new proposals}:- The Clerk reported that the present law is not enforceable on land owned by the Village and therefore HDC is bringing out new regulations on 1st April and the Parish Council has registered land to he covered by these, namely greens in St. Peter's Road and Mill Hill Road, other greens will be registered after April 1st. There will be instant fines and the use of an enforcement Officer. Parishioners will be able to 'Name and Shame'.

( 6} Parking in the Village;- Because people including residents are parking in the streets and on pavements, particularly in St. Peter's Road, it was suggested that greens could be used to provide 'Lay Byes' for parking. D.C. Graham Hart hinted that these could be provided by using 'Grass Blocks' as in other villages, but we would have to wait a long time. The meeting rejected the suggestion and asked that a letter should be sent to all to publicise the problem.

(7) Village Notice Boards:- The Clerk reported that these were cluttered and it was difficult to place all Parish Council Notices in a reasonable way. He asked the meeting to consider the purchase of a new 'lockable' Board. It was agreed that he should obtain a quote for a board solely for Council Notices and arrange the renovation of the board erected in honour of Walter Bromell.

(8) Any Other Business:-
(a) Mrs Spriggs asked for the Clerks telephone no.
(b) DC Hart reported that Local Election boundaries had been altered and Arnesby will be in the Bruntingthorpe Division and David Jennings will no longer represent us. However he is standing as County Councillor in the coming election and if successful will represent us at County.

Meeting Closed at 8.09 pm

NB These minutes can be found on