arnesby road signarnesby title thatch cottage in Arnesby

Clubs and Activities

Special Events

This Village Web site is a community web site for residents, potential residents and visitors to provide information about the amenities, organisations, services and events that are available in Arnesby and surrounding villages.

Villagers may not be aware of the wide range of  goods, services and leisure activities that are available locally. By knowing about and supporting these local enterprises, they can help to ensure that the village community continues to thrive through a strong local economy.

Welcome to Arnesby is an information sheet produced and updated every year by Elaine Carter and Sue Spriggs. The sheet gives details and contacts for village organisations, services and amenities.Download it here»»

The Village Web site is interactive and welcomes contributions from all visitors. There are sections for buying and selling, making announcements and advertising upcoming events.

Feedback about any of the Companies or organisations mentioned in the directory is also welcome and will be published for the benefit of other visitors to the site.

Contact: Terry Emmony, 07714 671234

Village Location Map

The Village Website for Arnesby, Leicestershire, UK