The Village Hall has always been the focus of village social life. The whole range of events have been held in it from wedding receptions, to meetings, shows, keep fit classes and film evenings. It is used each day by children from Arnesby School for lunches, assemblies and physical education.
Villagers have worked for many years to change the hall from a timber framed and iron clad building without any toilet or cooking facilities to a modern structure with all mod. cons.
The hall is run by Trustees with a representative for every village organisation. The Trustees committee is currently chaired by Sue Cooper.

The hall is available for hire for any event.
Click here to book online»
Hall Governance
These documents describe the way the Hall is operated by the Trustees. Click on the headings to download a pdf document.
The Hall is a registered Charity, No. 521382
Volunteers Guidance
Financial Arrangements
Risk Map