Arnesby Parish Council

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    Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held at The Conference Centre, Arnesby on Tuesday 13th February 2007 at 7.30 pm

(l) Present:- Messrs. Robert Jones(Chairman),David Johnson, Stuart Hurst, & M. N. Bown (Clerk)
6 parishioners were present.

(2)Apologies:- Apologies received from Mrs Jenny Lees

(3 Minutes of Meeting Held on 14th November 2006 :- These had been circulated and were read and signed by the Chairman.

(4) Matters Arising:-
(a) David Johnson reported that statutory declarations had now
been signed by the present and previous clerk and sent to the solicitor.,
(b) The Clerk reported that the Chairman had written to the Chief Planning officer with a copy to HDC. Chief Executive in November and January, a letter had been received from the Chief Executive but nothing received from the Planning office ref. four properties in the village. It was decided that Mr David Johnson should arrange a meeting with the HDC Chief Executive.
(c) The clerk was asked to write to Severn Trent re. Manhole covers,
(d) The clerk reported that he had written to Highways re. parking on Lutterworth Road by parents dropping off and picking up children. Highways had replied that they had monitored it and could find nothing wrong. It was suggested that we should take photographs,
(e) The clerk reported that the Bridleway Y12 still existed and therefore sign would have to stay. He had County Hall and Mr Shipman's solicitor and the matter had not been resolved.

(5) The date for the Annual Parish meeting had been fixed for Wednesday 28th March.

(6).The meeting confirmed a grant of £150 to the Village Hall.

(7) Heritage Warden:- After discussion it was decided thai Mr King and Mr Webster
should be Heritage Wardens for Arnesby.

(8) Planning Applications:-
(a) Nos 06/01827/FUL. Submitted by Millington (Gallops Farm) Ltd. Gallops Farm, Welford Road, Arnesby. (Change of use from 2 Agricultural Buildings to Smokery and Dairy.) No Objections.
(b) 07/00050/LBC and Q7/QQQ71/F11L. Submitted by Mr .and Mrs J Lees, Amesby House, St Peter's Road, Arnesby. (Part demolition, re building and modernisation of a Listed Buiding.) Applcation withdrawn, applicants to discuss project with County Council before re submitting.

(9) Signing Cheques:-
No 392 E A Hanson, Solicitor, Reg. Gravel Pit. £9.00.
No 393 Powergen Ltd Street Lighting £138,65,
No 394 Hacker and Young, Audit Fee £58.75.
No 395 ABB Ltd. Lighting Maintenance £50.58.
No 396 Powergen Ltd. Street Lighting. £138.65.
No 397 Mrs Ann Mawby, Reg. Gravel Pit £9.00.

(10) To Consider questions from Parishioners for future reply:-
(a) Clerk reported that Council election would be 3rd May.
(b) Chairman reported that a firm had offered to layer the hedge around the Old Gravel Pit. using a grant. Clerk to write to Millingtons. (tenants) for their views.

The Meeting Closed at 8.30pm.

NB These minutes can be found on