(l) Present:- Mrs Jenny Lees(Vice Chairman) Messrs.
David Johnson, Stuart Hurst, &M. N. Bown (Clerk) 4 parishioners
were present.
(2) Apologies:- Apologies received from Robert Jones(Chairman).
(3) Minutes of Meeting Held on 13th February 2007 ;-
These had been circulated and were read and signed by the Chairman.
(4) Matters Arising:-
(a) David Johnson reported on his meeting with the Development Control
Manager, Gareth Jones at HDC offices, ref. the Council's 4 unresolved
cases lodged with the 'Enforcement Officer'. Mr Jones apologised for
lack of progress but blamed the volume of cases (approx 1000 to date)
and lack of resources. He had however investigated our complaints and
reported to Mr Johnson. It appears that very little can be done to assuage
the Parish Council. Since this meeting the owner of Ruby Cottage has
indicated he will apply to retain the access road,
(b) The Old Gravel Pit:-The Clerk had contacted the owners of land around
the pit for permission to 'layer' the hedges, they were in agreement
as long as it was done at a time suitable to them.
(5) Points to consider from Annual Parish Meeting:-
it was agreed to purchase a new noticeboard with reserved space for
Parish Council notices.
(6) Signing Cheques:-
No 398 Clerk's Remuneration £357.12.
No. 399 Village Hall donation. £150
No. 400 Village Hall hire. £10.
No. 401 Baptist Chapel £28.
No. 402 ABB Ltd. Repairs to street light. £11.75.
(7) Election 3rd May:- The Council hoped that it would
result in a full council of 5
Councillors, and efforts would be made to achieve this.
(8) To Consider questions from Parishioners for future
(a) Clerk reported that the question of removing the Bridleway across
Mr Shipman's field was still open, but County Hall were still waiting
for further answers from Mr Shipman's solicitors.
The Meeting Closed at 9pm.
NB These minutes can be found on Village-Web.co.uk.