Present: - 3 Councillors and 4 Parishioners and M
N Bown (Parish Clerk).
Apologies:- Apologies from Mr Robert Jones (Chairman
of the Council) and Mrs
Stella Elliott.
The Chair was taken by Mrs Jenny Lees Vice Chairman of the Parish Council.
(1) Minutes of Meeting held on 15th March 2006 :- These
were read by the Clerk.
Mr David Johnson proposed that they be accepted and seconded by Mr Stuart
Passed and signed by the Chairman.
(2) Matters Arising :-
(a) The Clerk reported that he had written to Councillor Hart ref. financial
help to create 'Off street parking' on village greens, he had not received
a reply but had read latter that finance for such projects had been
(3) Community Charge :- The Parish Clerk reported that
the council precept for
2007/8 had been set at £2650 as in the previous year.
(4) Loseby Charity:- An interim account for year 2006/7
was presented by Mrs
Jenny Lees (a council representative on the Charity), she said that
1000 trees had
been planted on the site, thanks to the generosity of parishioners,
and they and the
pond were developing. All allotments are let but no money was available
distribution to people in need.
(5) Any Other Business :-
(a) The clerk reported that he was unable to obtain a quotation locally
for a new notice board and it was agreed that he should obtain a quotation
for a commercially produced Notice board. Which would have half the
area for Council notices and half for other notices. The Council side
to be lockable.
(b) The Clerk reported that there was to be a Parish Council election
on 3rd May. He was asked to inform parishioners that if present Councillors
all apply for re- election they would require one extra person to apply
and be elected to complete the Council i.e. 5.
Meeting closed at 8.25 pm.
NB These minutes can be found on