Arnesby Parish Council

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Local Government Act 1972
A meeting of the Council was held on Thursday 6th November 2008 at 7:30pm
at The Conference Centre, Arnesby.

Minutes of the Meeting

    l. Present - Messrs. Robert Jones (Chairman), Stuart Hurst, Graham Middleton, Mrs Jenny Lees & M. N. Bown (Clerk) 4 parishioners were present.

    2. Apologies. Apologies received from David Johnson.

    3. Minutes of Meeting Held on 24th June 2008:- These had been circulated and were read and signed by the Chairman.

    4. Matters Arising:-
    (a) New Noticeboard :- The Chairman reported that ordering had been delayed because of cost (approx. £1500 + VAT). Mr Middleton suggested that we
    should ask the May Fayre Committee for a contribution, this was done and they agreed to contribute £750.
    (b) Closure of Post Offices:- The Clerk reported that we are waiting for report from LCC but as yet there are no plans to provide Mobile P. O. facilities in the area.

    5. Grass Cutting :- The Chairman reported that 'Highways' had agreed to cut the
    greens on St Peter's Road and Mill Hill Road at the same time as verges, at their expense. He expressed thanks to Mr Brain Eales for cutting the grass in the interim.

    6. Dog Fouling :- The Chairman reported that, from his observation particularly on the green in Mill Hill Road, the situation had improved.

    7. Street Lighting :- The Chairman reported that Shearsby were adopting energy saving and switching their lights off 1am to 5am and he had noticed that, around the country, many towns were doing the same and he thought it was only a matter of time before we are instructed to follow. He also said that there are 8 sites being considered for 'Wind Farm' in our area.

    8. Moving seat from Lutterworth Road and site for new seat :- The Chairman
    expressed his thanks to Stuart Mason for removing the seat and its foundations from the verge on Lutterworth Road. It was agreed that the new seat should be installed on the verge in St Peter's Road near to 'South View'

    9. Circulation of Council papers :- Chairman, Coun. D.Johnson, Coun. G. Middleton, Coun. S. Hurst and Vice Chairman. It was also suggested that more event papers should be given to T. Emmony for inclusion on the village Web site.

    10. Credit Crunch :- It was decided that the Credit Crunch would not affect the
    Council directly. It was reported by Mr Middleton that burglaries had increased in
    some areas since the squeeze on credit, so householders should be vigilant.

    11. Planning Applications:
    (a) No 08/01352/FUL Submitted by Mr Julian Beardsell, Ruby Cottage, 5 South Close, Arnesby. Creation of an access and Driveway(retrospective). Objections. (b) No 08/01354/TCA Submitted by:- Tree Fella, Work to trees in front of 'Bell Cottage' and No 08/01356/TCA at 'Reynolds Farm', St Peter's Road, Arnesby. Submitted by Tree Fella.No Objections,
    (c) No 08/014017FUL. Submitted by :- D and J Mobile Catering Ltd Enderby. 'Change of use of Smokery at Gallops Farm, Arnesby, to offices and storage'.Objections.

    12. Signing Cheques:-
    No 431 ABB Light Repair £41.71.
    No 432 Clement Keys Audit 2007/8 £58.75
    No 433 Glasdon Ltd. Seat. £289.93.
    No 434 E on. Street Lighting Maintenance £61.97
    No 435 E on. Street Lighting (2 Quarters) £320.25.
    No 436 E on street lighting. £150.13.
    No 437 Tree Fella (work to village trees) £435.00

    13. The Village Precept for 2009/10 was agreed at £3000 an increase of £350.

    14. To receive Questions from the floor for future reply :-
    (a) Mrs Lees reported that Severn Trent were inspecting drains in St Peter's Road,
    (b) reported that the hedge in Oak Lane needed trimming.

    The Meeting Closed at 9.15pm.