Arnesby Parish Council

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Local Government Act 1972
A meeting of the Council was held on Tuesday 24th June 2008 at 7:30pm
at The Conference Centre, Arnesby.
    1. Present:- Messrs. Robert Jones(Chairman), Mrs Jenny Lees & M. N. Bown (Clerk). 5 parishioners were present.

    2. Apologies Apologies were received from David Johnson and Graham Middleton.
    The Chair was temporarily taken by Mrs Stella Elloitt who asked for nominations.

    3. Appointment of Chairman:- Robert Jones was re elected unanimously.

    4. Appointment of Vice Chairman:- Mrs Jenny Lees was re elected unanimously.

    5. Minutes of Meeting Held on 3rd April 2008 :-
    These had been circulated and were read and signed by the Chairman.

    6. Matters Arising:-
    (a)Decided to buy a new seat approx £400 and site on Church Lane outside The Manor House,
    (b) Decided not to provide a waste bin in Bus Shelter,
    (c) Decided to buy a new notice board approx £700 to replace one outside Village Hall,
    (d) After long discussion of problems still in the hands of the Enforcement Officer it was decided not to proceed before a further Council meeting,
    (e) The Clerk reported that ABB Ltd were the best option to service our Street Lighting,
    (f) The clerk reported that as yet there are no provisions of "Mobile Post Services'. He was urged to pursue all avenues.

    7. Appointment of Loseby Charity Trustees:- It was unanimously agreed that Mr Stuart Hurst and Mrs Jenny Lees should be the Council's representatives on the Board of Trustees of The Loseby Charity.

    8. Tree Warden Report:- The clerk report that the warden had removed one tree but as yet had not dealt with tree in front of'Bell Cottage'.

    9. Audit 2007/8;- The audit had been completed and audited internally by T Emmony. The papers were inspected and signed to be sent to the official Auditor. It was agreed to re imburse Mr Emmony with a cheque for £10.

    10. Planning Applications:-
    (a) No 08/00445/LBC :- Submitted by:- Mr A Lees 'Arnesby House, St Peter's Road, Arnesby. ' Demolition of Conservatory and erection of 'Orangery', re roof, alterations to windows and doors and internal alterations'.No Objections.

    11. Signing Cheques:-
    No 426 Repairs and service of Church Clock.£235.
    No 427 Allianz Insurance £469.05.
    No 428 ABB Ltd Lighting Maintenance £61.97.
    No 429 Association of Parish and Local Councils. £125.94
    No 430 Terry Emmony (internal Audit) £10
    It was decided not to renew membership of RCC.

    12. To Consider questions from Parishioners for future reply:-
    Asked about repairs to Bus Shelter.

    The Meeting Closed at 8.30pm.