Arnesby Parish Council

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Local Government Act 1972
A Meeting of the Parish Meeting was held at
The Conference Centrel, Arnesby
on Tuesday 15th June 2010 at 7:30pm

    1. Present:- Messrs. David Johnson, Stuart Hurst, Graham Middleton. Mrs Jenny Lees (Vice chairman). & M. N. Bown (Clerk)
    6 parishioners were present.

    2. Apologies: Apologies received from Councillor Robert Jones (Chairman) with a message that he would step down as Chairman and as a Councillor.. Mrs Stella Elliott took the chair for the nominations and election.

    3. Appointment of Chairman:- Graham Middleton was nominated by Stuart Hurst and seconded by David Johnson and was duly elected.

    4. Appointment of Vice Chairman:- Mrs Jenny Lees agreed to continue in this post and was elected unanimously.

    5. Minutes of Meeting Held on 6th April 2010 :- These had been circulated and were read and signed by the Chairman.

    6. Matters Arising.
    (a) The clerk reported that the bins were on order but would be delivered later in the year, they would be green in colour. Stuart Hurst asked why 'Highways could not grit all our streets for us, paid for by our rates.
    (b) The clerk was asked to write to Severn Trent re. flooding on St. Peter's express the Councils concern that the problem is not considered urgent. (c) Mrs Lees asked for her request to discuss street lighting further should be included (this was on the agenda).

    7. Appointment of Loseby Charity Trustees:- Mrs Jenny Lees and Stuart Hurst agreed to represent the Council in this capacity.

    8. To Pass accounts for 2009/10 ready for audit;- The accounts had been prepared and audited internally by Terry Emmony. These were signed by the Chairman and sent to the official auditor. The clerk reported that should we decide to spend a large amount on updating the street lighting we would have to increase our Precept for 2011/12.

    9. Street Lighting, energy saving, and carbon footprint: It was agreed that the
    Council would consider all options available to achieve saving of costs and energy. They decided that up to date prices would be obtained and they would hold a meeting and decide which options were best for costs and energy saving. The results would be sent to every house asking for their preference and a decision would be made from the replies.

    10. Community Resilience:- A letter had been received asking the Council are the prepared and how would they cope with an emergency in the village. The chairman cited a chemical explosion on a local farm or it could be a plane crash or a major road accident. Councillors were asked to give thought to this for discussion at a future meeting.

    11. Planning Applications:
    (a) No 10/00587/FUL. Submitted by:- Mr J. E. Parsons, Camp Barn Farm, North Kilworth Road, Walton by Kimcote. 'Erection of general purpose agricultural building', on land at Fleckney Lane Arnesby.
    (b) No 10/00735/FUL. Submitted By:- Miss Rachel Sawyer. East View Cottage, Mill Hill Road, Arnesby, "Demolition of single storey rear extension and erection of two storey rear extension (revised scheme of 09/015347FUL).

    12. Signing Cheques:-
    No 467 Repairs to Church Clock.£250.
    No 468 Donation to Village Hall £150.00.
    No 469 E-On Lamp replacement £387.75.
    No 470 Espo Grit Shovels. £6.58.
    No 471 C.C. Ltd. Insurance £358.04.
    No 472 Baptist Chapel (meetings) £70.00.
    No 473 NALC and LRALC membership £137.57.

    13. To receive Questions from the floor for future reply :-
    (a) it was reported that the lamp opposite the Mill was not working,
    (b) The clerk submitted a quotation for painting the Kiosk.

    Meeting Closed 8.55pm.

    NB These minutes can be found on the village web site. (