Arnesby Parish Council

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Local Government Act 1972

Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Meeting
held at The Conference Centrel, Arnesby
on Tuesday 15th June 2010 at 7:30pm

    1. Present:- Messrs. Graham Middleton (Chairman), David Johnson, Stuart Hurst, Mrs Jenny Lees (Vice chairman) & M. N. Bown (Clerk)
    8 parishioners were present, and District/County Councillor Mr Graham Hart.

    2. Apologies:- No apologies.

    3. Minutes of Meeting Held on 15th June 2010 :- These had been circulated and were passed and signed by the Chairman.

    4. Matters Arising:-
    (a) The clerk reported that the 'Grit bins' had been delivered but would not be installed until mid October,
    (b) The clerk reported that he had written to Severn Trent re. flooding on St. Peter's Road, they had reported that the sewer pipes need relining, had collapsed in places and were silted up in places, no other information.

    5. Decision on Street Lighting following Village Poll:- 54 replies had been
    received from a total of 120 approx. 31 were in favour of'B' i. e. To fit the lights for 'part night' lighting. 18 in favour of 'A' i.e. 'All night Lighting'. 5 were a variety of others. The voting thus giving the Council a mandate to alter the system to 'Part night lighting'. Mrs Spriggs was thanked for her help in distributing the forms. After discussion it was decided not to proceed until all possibilities of 'Grants' had been explored. Because of the deep financial crisis in the Country, grants will be difficult if not impossible to get. 'Highways' are not giving any and 'Capital Grants' from HOC. had been stopped. Councillor Graham Hart told the meeting of the problems LCC and HDC were having in deciding on the cuts they had to make to reach the targets of the new Coalition Government.

    6. Painting 'Kiosk':- It was decided to proceed but not until May Fayre' had
    agreed to contribute.

    7. Letter re. Community Resilience.:- The Chairman said he would obtain more in formation of what was required.

    8. Planning Applications:-
    (a) No 10/00312A/FUL. Amended Plans of No 10/00312/FUL. Submitted by:- Mr Richard Robinson, 'Glebe Cottage', St. Peter's Road, Arnesby. 'Demolition of garage, shed and single storey rear extension and erection of single storey extensions to the rear, garage, thatching of roof and alterations to existing roof height of 1.5 storey extension.' No Objections,
    (b) No 10/00927/FUL. Submitted by:- Mr Abdul Kabir, Little India Restaurant, St. Peter's Road, Arnesby. 'Erection of single storey front extension'. Councillor Hart said that this application at not been completed correctly and therefore could not be considered.
    (c) No 10/00930/FUL Submitted by :- Mr and Mrs D R Johnson, Sycamore Cottage, Church Lane, Arnesby. "Erection of single storey rear extensions.'
    No Objections.

    9. Signing Cheques:-
    No 474 E ON UK. repairs to lamp £14.10.
    No 475 E ON UK. Lighting Maintenance £64.46
    No 476 ESPO. £324.30.
    No 477 Terry Emmony internal audit. £10.00

    10. To receive Questions from the floor for future reply :-
    (a) Mrs Sue Spriggs asked if a cycle track could be provided on Lutterworth Road up to the junction of the Gated Road to Peatling Magna. Clerk to write to 'highways'.
    (b) The Chairman asked the Clerk to place a notice in the noticeboard, 'Asking for a volunteer to fill a vacancy on the Council following a recent resignation',
    (c) Mrs Lees reported errors in the Agenda posted on the St.Peter's Road N/board.

    Meeting Closed 8.35pm.

    N.B. These minutes will be published on Village-Web.Co.UK.