Arnesby Parish Council

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Local Government Act 1972
A Meeting of the Parish Council has been arranged at 7:30pm
at The Conference Centre, Arnesby
on Thurssday 2nd December 2010

The meeting will be open to the public unless the Council otherwise direct.
  1. Present.
  2. Apologies.
  3. Minutes of meeting held 18th August 2010.
  4. Matters Arising:-
    a) Street Lighting,
    b) Request for 'Cycle Track'.
    c) Request for extra Parish Councillor.
  5. Precept for 2011/12.
  6. Audit 2009/10.
  7. Flooding on St. Peter's Road.
  8. Core Spatial Strategy for Harborough District.
  9. Bank Mandate.
  10. 'Green Wedges'
  11. Proposed Relinquishment of part of Highway's Land at the front of 'Little India' for extension to the restaurant.
  12. Planning Applications:-
    (a) Submitted by :- Mr Stuart Hurst, The Croft', Oak Lane, Arnesby 'Work to Trees',
    (b)10/01433/TCA. Submitted by:- Mr Marc Geary, White Gables, Mill Hill Road, Arnesby. 'Work to trees'
    (c) 10/01435/TCA. Submitted by :- Miss Julie Higgs, 3, Lutterworth Road, Arnesby. 'Work to Trees',
    (d) 10/01550/TCA. Submitted by :- Marshall Thompson Group, for 'Crimond', St. Peter's Road, Arnesby. 'Felling of Eucalyptus tree'
    (e) 10/01572/HED Submitted by:- J.F. and S.L. Briggs, Manor Farm, Lutterworth Road, Arnesby. 'Removal of Hedgerows',
    (f)10/01573/TCA. Submitted by:- Mr David Heys, 15, The Bank, Arnesby. 'Work to Trees'.
  13. Signing Cheques:-
    No 476 ESPO. Grit Bins £324.00.
    No 477 Terry Emmony 'Audit' £10.00.
    No 478 Clement Keys 'Audit' £58.75.
    No 479 E.ON Lighting Maintenance £64.46.
    No 480 A.W Peabody and Son 'Kiosk' £465.30.
  14. To receive Questions from the floor for future reply :-
Clerk to the Council 19th November 2010.

NB This agenda can be found on the village web site. (