Arnesby Parish Council

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Local Government Act 1972
Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Meeting
held at The Conference Centre, Arnesby
on Wednesday 9th March 2011 at 7:30pm
  1. Present:- Messrs. Graham Middleton (Chairman), David Johnson, Stuart Hurst, Mrs Jenny Lees (Vice chairman). & M. N. Bown (Clerk)
    5 parishioners were present.
  2. Apologies:- No Apologies.
  3. Minutes of Meeting Held on 15th February 2011 :- These had been circulated and were taken as read and signed by the Chairman.
  4. Matters Arising:-
    (a) Street Lighting:- Clerk reported he had written to Highways re. change to Part night lighting' but had no reply. Clerk asked to follow up connection, if any, to legality of our lighting (not spaced to B.S.) and insurance etc.
    (b) Clerk asked to complain again
    (c) Signpost had been repaired.
  5. To Consider representation on School Committee;- Agreed that Mrs Lees should serve.
  6. To Consider any points arising from Annual Parish Meeting:- No further
    discussion necessary.
  7. Council Elections :- Clerk distributed "Nomination Papers' to serving Councillors. He reminded the meeting that Dis. and Parish Council elections will be held on 5th May together with the A.V. Referendum.
  8. Planning Applications :-
    (a) No 11/00206/FUL Submitted by:- Mr R Smart, 22, Lutterworth Road, Arnesby. "Erection of front extension to garage and conversion of garage to habitable accommodation, (revised scheme of No 10/01621/FUL.)
    No Objections.
  9. Signing Cheques:-
    No 483 Clerk's remuneration £381.44.
  10. To consider points from the Annual Parish Meeting and questions for future
    answers:- No points.

    Meeting Closed 8.18pm.

  11. N.B. These minutes will be published on