Arnesby Road Sign

Village Web
A community website for villagers in and around Arnesby, Leicestershire, UK

Bus and Taxi Services


There are currently no bus services for Arnesby


Taxi Services
Leys Taxi
Airport, Seaport and Long Distance specialists. 4 or 7 seater air con. vehicles
0116 2478053
Stage Taxis, Wigston 0116 278 8333
Wigston Taxis, Magna Road 0116 288 7311 or 7111
George's Taxis, Lutterworth 01455 559000

Marks & Spencer Fosse Park Shuttle
This service is free to Marks & Spencer customers and operates from Monday to Saturday.
The nearest pickup point is on the A6 at Ashtree Road (up the hill from Sainsbury's) at 11:10.
The return from Fosse Park is at 14:45.