Arnesby Parish Council

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Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council
held at 7:30pm on Tuesday, 20th July 2004
at the Conference Centre, Arnesby
(1)Present- Messrs. Stuart Hurst, David Johnson, Robert Jones(Chairman). & M. N. Bown (Clerk)
6 parishioners were present. 1 observer.
CC David Jennings and D C Graham Hart.

(2)Apologies:- Apologies received from Mrs J Lees

(3)Minutes of Meeting Held on 14th. June 2004 :- These had been circulated and were read and signed by the Chairman.

(4)Matters Arising:-
    (a) The Bus Shelter, it was decided to accept the lower quotation submitted.

(5) The Council agreed to pay the internal Auditor a nominal £10 for his services.

(6) Planning Applications:-
    (a) No 04/00840/FUL Submitted by Mr G Neal, "Demolition of garage and erection of new garage with accomodation over", at red Brick House, St. Peter's Road, Arnesby.
No Objections.

    (b) No 04/00933/FUL Submitted by S Mason and Z Mason," Change of use of barn to allow storage and distribution of lightweight building materials", at Brookside Farm, Lutterworth Road, Amesby.
No Objections. Providing the Buiders Merchants business is not allowed to become the main business on this agricultural site.

    (c) No 04/01005/FUL Submitted by Mr H Borrell, "erection of detached garage and stable block with gymnasium and games room over", at The Paddocks, St, Peter's Road, Arnesby.
No Objections. Providing the extension is within the village boundary and the applicant has right of access to the "Field Entrance", and that the extension is in keeping with the surroundings.

(7) Signing of Cheques :- No 349 Powergen Ltd Street Lighting £139.04
No 350 Internal Audit £10.00.

Meeting Closed at 8 pm.