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A directory of the amenities, services and organisations
available to villagers in and around Arnesby and Shearsby,
Leicestershire, UK - part of

Shearsby Parish Meeting


Present:   Bob Spree (Chairman),  Brenda Spree (Minutes), 23 residents.


Bob Spree said he was in his seventh year as Chairman, and had been wishing to stand down for the last two years. He explained that he had found it difficult to cope with the Accounts, but now that Rob Lamin had kindly agreed to take over the Accounts, the workload was much less.

He asked for nominations or volunteers for Chairman. Margaret Lee suggested it might be easier to find someone if the post were undertaken for one year only.

There being no nominations, Bob Spree remained as Chairman.

2.             APOLOGIES

Apologies had been received from David Durran, Keith Beeson, Ken Lee, Lesley Morris and Ann Lamin.


>There had been few developments over the last two years. There were two Planning Applications currently going through - for the erection of houses at the top of Fenny Lane, and for the diversion of a public footpath at Willow Farm. This was to divert the path along the edge of an organic hay and wild flower meadow, where woodland was also to be planted. This was under the Countryside Stewardship Scheme.

There were no objections to the diversion of the footpath; the residents directly affected by the Fenny Lane application were dealing with objections themselves.

The Chairman said that Waltons were still trying to have their limits raised for transporter movements, and this would no doubt come up again in the future.

There should be no movements in prior to 7.00a.m. If anyone knew of infringements, they should keep writing to Harborough District Council, as they now had an Enforcement Officer

A situation was also arising concerning the field bought at Auction by someone who wanted to use it for quad-bikes. Margaret Lee reported that on the previous Sunday the field was being used by motor cycles or quad-bikes all day long, so that it was impossible to sit out in the garden. The Chairman urged her to contact Ben Lee, the Enforcement Officer, and to keep a diary of dates when they were affected.


Proposed by Bill Mackie and seconded by Barry Morris that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 27 February 2003 be accepted as a true record. All agreeing, the Chairman duly signed the Minutes.


Helen Worsley asked if something could be done to clear the footpath down to Bears Den, as this had become overgrown. Brenda Spree said the last time this happened, she had taken a pair of shears round herself and cut the bushes back.

6.            ACCOUNTS

The Chairman explained the old rules concerning the auditing of the Parish Accounts, and the new 'Gentle Touch' system which was far more onerous.

Following a long battle between the Chairman and the new Auditors, Hacker Young, he was forced to relent and accept the new system, and Rob Lamin had kindly agreed to take over the financial records.

He asked the meeting for retrospective approval of the Precept, and all agreed.

There was around £3,000 in the Bank Account and the Chairman explained that when the Health & Safety Executive last examined the Play Equipment they had pointed out that there was no disabled access to the village green when the main gate was closed. Therefore, we needed to make the access wide enough for a wheelchair and a double buggy. All agreed.

The Chairman then suggested that we should have a flagpost on the village green and should fly the Union Flag whenever there was a special national day.

Various sizes and prices were discussed. Barry Morris asked about the risk of children climbing the pole. The position of a flagpole would have to be with the agreement of the nearest householders.

Martin Littlejones suggested that the village should have notice of the amount of money to be spent, with a request for suggestions on how it should be spent.

He felt everyone should have an opportunity to make suggestions.

Clive Garner suggested a contribution towards the steps which are to be installed up the steep bank onto the green.

Brenda Spree said that the street light outside their gates needed replacing, and that the road signs were also in a poor state. Any replacements should be 'in keeping' with the conservation area.

It was agreed that the Chairman would circulate a suitable note to all residents, and arrange for another meeting towards the end of September to make a decision.

It was proposed by Barry Morris and seconded by Clive Garner that all the Accounts be approved, and this was carried nem.con.


Martin Littlejones reported that the Trust was balancing the books, with income matching expenditure. The major outlay had been for windows and redecoration, and it was now necessary to spend about £700 on the barge boards at the rear of the hall. The new entertainment licence covered 10 events per year. All members of the committee were now in their ninth year, and needed new blood. Rob Lamin was also preparing the accounts of the Trust, and the Charity Commission did not demand audited Accounts. The next meeting was to be held on 29th September, and all residents were welcome to attend.


Richard Kew informed the meeting that he was now in his 11th year as chairman!

He listed the events which the Community Association had funded, including a children's party, senior citizens' lunch, sunshine gifts and donations to the church towards the repair of the wall. R & B on the Green had made more than £5000 profit. In the coming year they planned to hold a Trash & Treasure Auction, a Trafalgar Night Dinner, and to install new steps up the bank to the village green. There was also a proposal to level up the slope at the bottom of the green to make staging easier, and to run an electrical supply with hook-up points around the perimeter.

9.             ANY OTHER BUSINESS

Nothing was raised.

The Meeting was closed at 9.15 p.m.